

contract3-blurLandmark OGM provides a broad range of Upstream, Midstream, and ancillary services. We provide the most talented Landmen and field agents available to meet each client’s specific needs.

A Full Range of Upstream Land Services

  • Due diligence
  • Lease checks and scouting reports
  • Fractional mineral interest determination
  • Leasehold, mineral estate, and royalty acquisitions
  • Sovereignty run sheets and flow charting
  • Title curative


pipeline-yellow-sqLandmark OGM offers a wide array of Midstream services. We provide exceptional project, program, and spread managers for all projects.

Comprehensive Midstream Land Services

  • Tabletop route scoping, suitability, and selection
  • FERC and non-FERC regulated pipelines
  • Encroachment and crossing permitting
  • Private land acquisition
  • Land use permitting



  • Conduct lease takeoffs and generate lease status reports
  • Determine ownership of and encumbrances on land where solar, wind, and geothermal projects will be located
    • Includes identifying mortgages, other liens, lawsuits, lis pendens, regulatory actions that burden the land
    • Provide detailed ownership reports to client
  • Conduct acquisition due diligence
  • Conduct divestiture due diligence
  • Negotiate solar and wind leases, property sales, and associated documents
  • Negotiate right-of-way & easement agreements for solar and wind projects

Ancillary Services

gavel-sqWith specialists in numerous fields, Landmark OGM provides its clients a broad range of solutions for issues, large and small, and often outside the typical range of land services.

  • Law Firm Support (Land Issues)
  • GIS Mapping
  • Genealogical Research